1000+ Cited Sensor-Based Human Activity Recognition Publications
1000+ cited Sensor-based HAR Publications
I have compiled a list of publications related to sensor-based human activity recognition or ubiquitous computing that have been cited over 1000 times on my Notion. It starts with “Some computer science issues in ubiquitous computing” and “Hot topics-ubiquitous computing”, both written by Mark Weiser in 1993, and covers up to “Deep Learning for Sensor-based Activity Recognition: A Survey” written by Jindong Wang et al. in 2019. Please let me know if I am missing any papers that should be listed. You can see the list from the following link.
1000+ cited Sensor-based Human Activity Recognition Publications
Related Resources
- Awesome Human Activity Recognition curates publications and datasets in human activity recognition, primarily using IMU data, especially recent ones (2010 ~).
- Awesome Skeleton-based Action Recognition curates publications and datasets in skeleton-based action recognition, mainly after 2017.